My flight leaves for Singapore on July 28th, 11:29 AM (not 11:30! haha). I fly from Newark to Minneapolis (3 hours), then Minneapolis to Tokyo (12 hours), then Tokyo to Singapore (7 hours). So 22 hours total! Emily will pick me up on July 30th at 1 AM Singapore time, and we will crash at her house!! I don't have a return flight yet, but my guess is I will be back early May, so that I can see Peabody people at school and have plenty of time to prepare for being a bridesmaid at Anna and Ken's wedding!
I also now have housing in Singapore! The conservatory was kind enough to set me up in an off-campus dorm style structure, with a kitchen and common room. I share a room with another American grad student, but I don't yet know if she is a music major or a student at the National University of Singapore. Although I don't yet know many specifics, the rent fits into my stipend, so I am happy!
So that is about all the news for now. I am still unpacking from my move out of Baltimore, and once that is settled I will begin packing everything I need for the next nine months into one suitcase.
Here are some pictures from the past month, since pictures always make everything more fun:
That's it for now! I hope this blog will help me keep in touch with everyone! I'm not quite sure how to add friends on blogspot, so let me know if you can help me!